Thursday, 30 August 2012

Oversized Denim Jacket.

Long time no see!
I've been very busy lately and since I hadn't really got used to blogging regularly..I didn't. SO I've set myself the weekly goal of ideally doing two posts a week and definitely doing one if it gets busy :)

I reeeally like the whole grunge look that seems to be all around at the moment, however I'm not exactly the most 'grungey' person and fear looking silly.
I decided to ease myself into it with an oversized denim jacket. Originally I wanted a vintage levi one, but after realising that they are pretty hard to find under £50 I sought solace in Primark. Aaaand I found this!

It was £18 which I think is pretty good simply for the material, it's so thick and warm and feels like really great quality. Also the hardware is rose gold! So it'll go with my fossil watch and makes it looks more expensive. It isn't actually 'oversized' but I got it in a size 18 and it looks just as good as more expensive oversized options I've seen!  

Finally, I thought I'd leave you with this, I stumbled across it and thought it was cool (perhaps cool is the wrong word :P) although is Merida really ready to be initiated into the Disney princess elite? I think not. I've got nothing against her or anything but its just so easy I've just realised that Cinderella and Ariel are absent?! Ok, I'll stop now, HAVEANICEWEEKENDTHANKSFORREADINGBYEEE.

Monday, 13 August 2012


SOOOO heres a story from A to I can't find a way to relate that to my post, I'm just all a dither after the Spice Girls performed at the closing ceremony last night.

I don't know what to do with myself so I've been taking pictures of my hands.
Over the weekend I did a little bit of shopping and it turns out that everything I bought happened to be things you decorate your hands with.
On Saturday I went to the Oxford Street Topshop for the first time ever, which was frightening. I didn't have long as it wasn't really a shopping trip but MY GOD, it's so big and full of pretty things it was kind of overwhelming. I feel I needed to have taken a packed lunch and spent a whole day in there.
I ended up only buying one thing :P a really groovy bracelet from Gogo Philip (must be said with a french accent to sound more expensive than it actually is). I also recently bought a pack of rings from the Topshop sale, I had to wait for the sale because otherwise the packs of rings in Topshop are £25,000,000,000,000.
I also went into superdrug and took advantage of the 3 for 2 deal on the L'oreal nail polish. I've been eyeing these up for a while now because the colours are just so lovely, I was slightly disappointed as they are quite sheer but after 2 coats they're fine :)

STOP. Picture time.

Bracelet: £10.

L-R: 205, 601, 503.

I will stop typing now, otherwise I will just go on about the Olympics for ages. I was thinking about doing a little post on all my Olympic celebrations or will that just make people sad now?

How was everyone elses weekend?

Thankyou for reading,
Grace x

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Back to black.

I've recently been going back to basics, clothing-wise. I'm a rather lazy person and I love to have a few items that I know I can throw on, with slight variations depending on my mood, and still feel gooood.
Currently, these staple items all happen to be black, so i suppose, for me black is the

I'd been looking for some really thick leggings for a while and these are perfect, I can basically wear them as trousers. They're also quite high-waisted so they look good with tops tucked in as well! I literally use this bag everyday and the shoes were £6, what more can I say? Ok a bit more, they're also VELVETY SOFT.

I put together some outfits to show different ways in which I wear them, I did some more but the lighting was truly terrible and these were the only clear ones.

Top: you guessed it, zara sale!

Top: Topshop, Jumper: H&M.
I hope your all enjoying the Olympics! 21 GOLDSSS! It's so good, I'm obsessed with Victoria Pendleton, I believe they call it a 'girl crush.'

Thanks for reading,

Grace x

Monday, 6 August 2012

Get to know me with the Liebster award!

I'm so chuffed as I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Shelley Anne!
It means a lot to me as I'm only just starting out and know very little about blogging, and I have only 2 followers ;) I'm also extremely excited because this nomination requires a tag! I've been watching/reading my favourite gurus doing tags for the past few months and can't wait to do one myself :)

So far blogging has been everything I expected and more, I'm sure most bloggers will agree that the best part of blogging is the people and all the lovely, supportive comments they leave. The personal nature of blogging could easily be spoilt by malicious comments that deter people from ever even starting a blog, but so far I haven't encountered a single negative incident.

Ok, lovey-ness over, lets get down to business.
For those of you who don't know what the Liebster Award is heres how it goes:

"This little award is all about discovering new blogs and helping those with less than 200 followers to get recognised."
Here are rules:

1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.

2. They must also answer the 11 questions the ' tagger ' has set for them.

3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.

4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.

5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.

6. There's no tag backs.

So if you're all sitting comfotably, I shall try and make my life sound interesting.

Me driving a speedboat. Making my life look cooler than it actually is.

11 Things about myself.
1. I live in Warwickshire, England.

2. I'm 18, I've just finished sixth form and I am currently dreading results day.

3. I have a dog called Bryn, named after Uncle Bryn from Gavin and Stacey.

4. I am half Welsh.

5. I sing, like opera...

6. I play piano.

7. I occassionally suffer from anxiety, a bit like zoella, I really admire her for writing about it (her post is here)

8. I like playing xbox, well mainly Skyrim, I love Skyrim.

9. I love oriental food (esp Thai)

10. I watch cartoons.

11. I've run out of facts.

Like I said, I love cartoons.

This always makes me laugh, I look so serious.

The aforementioned Bryn doing what he does best, looking pretty.

Shelley Anne's Questions.

1. If you had to pick ONE make-up item ONLY, to wear for the rest of your life, which would it be? That would be very sad, but I'd probably have to go for benefit's Porefessional Primer.

2. Handbags, or Shoes? SHOES.

3. Your 'Go-To' brand is...? It changes often, currently it's got to be Zara.

4. Why did you create a blog? I started watching beauty/ fashion youtube videos and reading blogs a couple of months ago and I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it before! I'd been boring my mother talking about clothes and makeup so I decided to let it all out on here :)

5. When you wish upon a star, you wish for...? A place in a top music college.

6. How would you describe your style? It changes from simple to more fun and eclectic.

7. Do you have a fave fashion icon? I don't like celebrity fashion, I much prefer 'street style' Company magazine has a very good street style feature in the magazine and on their website. i do really love ThePersianBabe, her fashion sense is right up my street.

8. Tell us one random fact about yourself...I can't stand tomatoes.

9. What's your favourite movie? Lord of the Rings and The devil Wears prada.

10. If you looked in my wardrobe you would mostly find...novelty jumpers..?

11. Your dream job is? An astronaut.

Here are my questions for the lovely nominees :)

1. What is your favourite food type?
2. What is your childhood memory?
3. What is your most treasured piece of jewellery?
4. Who is your girl crush?
5. If your fire alarm went off what would be the one marerial item you would risk grabbing?
6. What is your favourite accent?
7. What one fashion item would you buy if you could afford it?
8.  Where is your dream place to live?
9. What is your favourite hobby? ( other than blogging ofc ;) )
10. Who is your favourite beauty 'guru'?
11. Why did you start blogging?

Aaaaaand finally, my 11 nominees are...*drum roll*
10. Tuwentytri.
11. Porcelain Eleanor.

Congratulations! I think it's a really great award since it can be hard for a new blogger to get recognition :)

Thankyou for reading,



Friday, 3 August 2012

OOTE: White Dress.

Just a quick OOTE.
I'm made the potentially very silly decision of going out last night in a white dress, but I returned stain free!
This is another Zara sale purchase (I went a bit "cray" in Zara).
It was £22 (if I remember correctly) down from around £50 , *sigh* I love bargains.

Shoes: New Look.

Lips: kate for Rimmel shade No. 03, Choker: H&M.
Please forgive the bad quality, it was a really miserable day and the lighting was terrible.

Thanks for reading,

Grace x

Thursday, 2 August 2012



I've been getting very excited recently with all the new season clothes coming into stores! There are a some expensive things that I'll have to wait a few paydays for, but there have also been some great things in the new Primark collection. They have all the pictures here on the Look Magazine website.

I'm also getting all hot and bothered about this:

These are the BB creams soon to be released by Body Shop. I love the idea of BB creams but I've been underwhelmed by most high street attempts so far, so i shall be eagerly awaiting the arrival of these and will hopefully be doing a review :)

I couldn't go without showing you these beauties! Sadly, they are a distant dream since they are £59.99  
:( they're from Zara and they're called "ballerina with jewels" if you'd like to find them :)

I would also like to say a big thankyou to Shelley Anne for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I will post my response and nominations in the next couple of days :)

Also, I'm not entirely sure what this means yet (I'm still very new to blogging) but please follow me on Bloglovin! It would make my day <3
Thankyou for reading,

Grace x

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

OOTD: Studded Zara Shirt + Revlon Kissable Lip Balm Stain.

Here is an outfit of the day with my new favourite thing, I posted about it the other day, my new Zara shirt!

Shirt: Zara, Jumper: H&M.

Trousers/leggings: Zara.

Bag: Urban Outfitters sale.

Shoes: Topshop sale.

I accidentally deleted the picture of the shoes with my outfit, sorry :P

I also wanted to mention that I recently tried the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Balm Stains (the ones similar to the Clinique Chubby Sticks) i was so pleased a drugstore brand released something in this format, because the application is great, it's so much easier to get a nice shape to your lips.
I haven't tried the chubby sticks because they're a bit pricey for me, but these are really lovely. I've had quite dry lips over the past few days and wearing this actually helped! They're so creamy its like wearing a balm, the colour lasts a reasonably long time and to top it all off, they have a really nice minty scent!
I went for a dark purpley colour in preparation for autumn:

My lips look weird here, but I promise it is a really lovely colour!

What are your thoughts on this product? (I welcome any differing opinions :P)

Thankyou for reading,

Grace x

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


I'm going to (very last minute) submit my entry to the RedRock Fashion blogging competition!
It is such a cool brand which I shall definitely be making one of my regular fashion website destinations :) 
My outfit came from browsing through all their lovely vintages things while enjoying the recent lovely summery weather :)

I have named it rather unimaginatively, Vintage Florals!

The jumper and shorts are RedRock Fashion's very own, and the beaded collar, necklace thingy (I'm so full of fashion jargon) and brogues are from Topshop :)

Good Luck to all the competitors, I certainly had fun doing it!

Thanks for reading,

Grace x

Monday, 30 July 2012

My Shirt-Baby.

I warn you now, this story is an emotional rollercoaster.
I recently spent £30 on a shirt which I only do in very special cases, it was half price from Zara and IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL.

HOWEVER, after wearing it just twice the underarms went all frayed and wierd :( I have no idea why, maybe I have acidic sweat or something.
So, I'm going to take it back and try and get another one, please do comment if you would like an Outfit of the Day with this shirt (if I am successful).
I would also be really interested if you have any tips on how to stop it from fraying (it's silk if that has anything to do with it?)

Thankyou so much for reading,

Grace x

Saturday, 28 July 2012

OOTD: Neon orange skirt.

I recently bought this lovely albeit, rather intimidating neon orange skirt for £19.99 from H&M. I've been looking for something this length for aaages, it is so comfortable in warm weather, and perfect if you don't feel like getting your legs out. Although it can look pretty frumpy with a top tucked in so I wore a crop top to make it look a bit younger.

Top:Topshop £10

Sandals: Primark £6

Fossil Watch, Bracelet: H&M

 I've also had a lot of free time lately, so I've got into DIY nails (I would say nail art but that implies some kind of skill :P) These are my scabble nails! Using the Models Own black nail art pen which I think is £6 and just the closest to the creamy colour that scrabble tiles are that I had, which is an apricot colour by Barry M.

You can find the scores for each letter on the Wikipedia scrabble page, if you're pedantic like me.

Thanks for reading,
Grace x

Friday, 27 July 2012

Merry Olympics!
 Like many others I love Yankee Candles. However, I'm a student and an actual candle is far too luxurious for me. Therefore, I invested in a tart burner which wasn't hard at all because I found one for £6 at Dobbies Garden Centre! 
The Yankee Candle tarts are supposed to be for sampling but I think they're a much cheaper and more fun alternative since you can try all the delightful scents you like instead of spending a fortune on one.
I got 10 tarts for £10 on Ebay, if you search "Yankee candle tarts" you'll find lots of cheap options :)

Tart Burner £6 from Dobbies (they have some really pretty ones for more).

As I'm trying to eat healthily, I'm storing them in a sweet jar to avoid temptation.

Bryn felt left out.
I hope everyone is enjoying the festivities!
Grace x


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer Bargains!

This is scary.
Hello, my name is Grace and I've decided to venture into the world of blogging, it's quite strange talking to nobody, but hopefully, eventually a few people will enjoy this :)
Since the weather in England has taken a sunny turn I have accumulated a few summery things which I wanted to share, so, here goes!

Pineapple bag: H&M £10, Sunglasses: H&M sale £2! :O, Spikey Necklace: Topshop £3.50, Triangle earrings: Topshop £2.50

Crop top: Topshop £10, Skirt: H&M £19.99, Skirt: Topshop sale £15

Next sale £8

Topshop £7

I was really chuffed with my sale finds this year, the neon skirt seems to get EVEN brighter  in the sun, but I was feeling brave when I bought it!
I hope that this is enjoyable :)
Grace x