Saturday, 28 July 2012

OOTD: Neon orange skirt.

I recently bought this lovely albeit, rather intimidating neon orange skirt for £19.99 from H&M. I've been looking for something this length for aaages, it is so comfortable in warm weather, and perfect if you don't feel like getting your legs out. Although it can look pretty frumpy with a top tucked in so I wore a crop top to make it look a bit younger.

Top:Topshop £10

Sandals: Primark £6

Fossil Watch, Bracelet: H&M

 I've also had a lot of free time lately, so I've got into DIY nails (I would say nail art but that implies some kind of skill :P) These are my scabble nails! Using the Models Own black nail art pen which I think is £6 and just the closest to the creamy colour that scrabble tiles are that I had, which is an apricot colour by Barry M.

You can find the scores for each letter on the Wikipedia scrabble page, if you're pedantic like me.

Thanks for reading,
Grace x

Friday, 27 July 2012

Merry Olympics!
 Like many others I love Yankee Candles. However, I'm a student and an actual candle is far too luxurious for me. Therefore, I invested in a tart burner which wasn't hard at all because I found one for £6 at Dobbies Garden Centre! 
The Yankee Candle tarts are supposed to be for sampling but I think they're a much cheaper and more fun alternative since you can try all the delightful scents you like instead of spending a fortune on one.
I got 10 tarts for £10 on Ebay, if you search "Yankee candle tarts" you'll find lots of cheap options :)

Tart Burner £6 from Dobbies (they have some really pretty ones for more).

As I'm trying to eat healthily, I'm storing them in a sweet jar to avoid temptation.

Bryn felt left out.
I hope everyone is enjoying the festivities!
Grace x


Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer Bargains!

This is scary.
Hello, my name is Grace and I've decided to venture into the world of blogging, it's quite strange talking to nobody, but hopefully, eventually a few people will enjoy this :)
Since the weather in England has taken a sunny turn I have accumulated a few summery things which I wanted to share, so, here goes!

Pineapple bag: H&M £10, Sunglasses: H&M sale £2! :O, Spikey Necklace: Topshop £3.50, Triangle earrings: Topshop £2.50

Crop top: Topshop £10, Skirt: H&M £19.99, Skirt: Topshop sale £15

Next sale £8

Topshop £7

I was really chuffed with my sale finds this year, the neon skirt seems to get EVEN brighter  in the sun, but I was feeling brave when I bought it!
I hope that this is enjoyable :)
Grace x