Monday, 13 August 2012


SOOOO heres a story from A to I can't find a way to relate that to my post, I'm just all a dither after the Spice Girls performed at the closing ceremony last night.

I don't know what to do with myself so I've been taking pictures of my hands.
Over the weekend I did a little bit of shopping and it turns out that everything I bought happened to be things you decorate your hands with.
On Saturday I went to the Oxford Street Topshop for the first time ever, which was frightening. I didn't have long as it wasn't really a shopping trip but MY GOD, it's so big and full of pretty things it was kind of overwhelming. I feel I needed to have taken a packed lunch and spent a whole day in there.
I ended up only buying one thing :P a really groovy bracelet from Gogo Philip (must be said with a french accent to sound more expensive than it actually is). I also recently bought a pack of rings from the Topshop sale, I had to wait for the sale because otherwise the packs of rings in Topshop are £25,000,000,000,000.
I also went into superdrug and took advantage of the 3 for 2 deal on the L'oreal nail polish. I've been eyeing these up for a while now because the colours are just so lovely, I was slightly disappointed as they are quite sheer but after 2 coats they're fine :)

STOP. Picture time.

Bracelet: £10.

L-R: 205, 601, 503.

I will stop typing now, otherwise I will just go on about the Olympics for ages. I was thinking about doing a little post on all my Olympic celebrations or will that just make people sad now?

How was everyone elses weekend?

Thankyou for reading,
Grace x