Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer Bargains!

This is scary.
Hello, my name is Grace and I've decided to venture into the world of blogging, it's quite strange talking to nobody, but hopefully, eventually a few people will enjoy this :)
Since the weather in England has taken a sunny turn I have accumulated a few summery things which I wanted to share, so, here goes!

Pineapple bag: H&M £10, Sunglasses: H&M sale £2! :O, Spikey Necklace: Topshop £3.50, Triangle earrings: Topshop £2.50

Crop top: Topshop £10, Skirt: H&M £19.99, Skirt: Topshop sale £15

Next sale £8

Topshop £7

I was really chuffed with my sale finds this year, the neon skirt seems to get EVEN brighter  in the sun, but I was feeling brave when I bought it!
I hope that this is enjoyable :)
Grace x


Please comment and make my week! I'll always check out your blog and most of the time I follow :) If you ask a question I will reply on your blog, I think you'll be more likely to see it that way.


Grace x