Monday, 30 July 2012

My Shirt-Baby.

I warn you now, this story is an emotional rollercoaster.
I recently spent £30 on a shirt which I only do in very special cases, it was half price from Zara and IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL.

HOWEVER, after wearing it just twice the underarms went all frayed and wierd :( I have no idea why, maybe I have acidic sweat or something.
So, I'm going to take it back and try and get another one, please do comment if you would like an Outfit of the Day with this shirt (if I am successful).
I would also be really interested if you have any tips on how to stop it from fraying (it's silk if that has anything to do with it?)

Thankyou so much for reading,

Grace x


  1. Ohhh it's so sad it's frayed, it's so pretty!
    I'd love an OOTD, hope you manage to get it sorted!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

    1. I think I'll have to just have to not lift my arms when I wear it :P thankyou I'll try an do one tomorrow :) xx

  2. What a lovely shirt and such a shame i frayed-hopefully when you swop it the new one will be ok :)

    Tanesha x

    1. Thankyou! Unfortunately I lost the reciept :P xx

  3. Oh no, what a shame :( Have you asked if they will swap it without the receipt? I recently bought a top from Zara that shrunk in the first wash, I was gutted as i don't usually have any probs with their clothes! Lovely shirt though! xx


Please comment and make my week! I'll always check out your blog and most of the time I follow :) If you ask a question I will reply on your blog, I think you'll be more likely to see it that way.


Grace x