Friday, 27 July 2012

Merry Olympics!
 Like many others I love Yankee Candles. However, I'm a student and an actual candle is far too luxurious for me. Therefore, I invested in a tart burner which wasn't hard at all because I found one for £6 at Dobbies Garden Centre! 
The Yankee Candle tarts are supposed to be for sampling but I think they're a much cheaper and more fun alternative since you can try all the delightful scents you like instead of spending a fortune on one.
I got 10 tarts for £10 on Ebay, if you search "Yankee candle tarts" you'll find lots of cheap options :)

Tart Burner £6 from Dobbies (they have some really pretty ones for more).

As I'm trying to eat healthily, I'm storing them in a sweet jar to avoid temptation.

Bryn felt left out.
I hope everyone is enjoying the festivities!
Grace x


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Grace x